3 3: Simple Linear Regression Statistics LibreTexts

what is a simple linear regression

One way to measure how well the least squares regression line “fits” the data is using the coefficient of determination, denoted as R2. At the very least, it’s good to check a residual vs predicted plot to look for trends. In our diabetes model, this plot (included below) looks okay at first, but has some issues. Notice that values tend to miss high on the left and low on the right. With that in mind, we’ll start with an overview of regression models as a whole.

Values of \(r\) close to –1 or to +1 indicate a stronger linear relationship between \(x\) and \(y\). The slope of the line, \(b\), describes how changes in the variables are related. It is important to interpret the slope of the line in the context of the situation represented by the data.

The inner-workings are the same, it is still based on the least-squares regression algorithm, and it is still a model designed to predict a response. But instead of just one predictor variable, multiple linear regression uses multiple predictors. This data set gives average masses for women as a function of their height in a sample of American women of age 30–39. Although the OLS article argues that it would be more appropriate to run a quadratic regression for this data, the simple linear regression model is applied here instead.

Expanded formulas

The variable we are basing our predictions on is called the predictor variable and is referred to as \(X\). When there is only one predictor variable, the prediction method is called simple regression. In simple linear regression, the topic of this section, the predictions of \(Y\) when plotted as a function of \(X\) form a straight line.

It may surprise you, but the calculations shown in this section are assumption-free. Of course, if the relationship between \(X\) and \(Y\) were not linear, a different shaped function could fit the data better. Inferential statistics in regression are based on several assumptions, and these assumptions are presented in a later section of this chapter. If two variables are correlated, you cannot immediately conclude ‌one causes the other to change. A linear regression will immediately indicate whether two variables correlate. But you’ll need to include more variables in your model and use regression with causal theories to draw conclusions about causal relationships.

what is a simple linear regression

How To Make a Box Plot

Then after we understand the purpose, we’ll focus on the linear part, including why it’s so popular and how to calculate regression lines-of-best-fit! (Or, if you already understand regression, you can skip straight down to the linear part). We’ll also break down what a logarithmic function is, why it’s useful, and a few examples. The regression coefficient can be any number from −∞-\infty−∞ to ∞\infty∞.

The variance of the residual is constant across values of the independent variable. An R2 between 0 and 1 indicates just how well the response variable can be explained by the predictor variable. Let weight be the predictor variable and let height be the response variable.

  1. With multiple predictors, in addition to the interpretation getting more challenging, another added complication is with multicollinearity.
  2. Analysis of variance tests the model as a whole (and some individual pieces) to tell you how good your model is before you make sense of the rest.
  3. It models the relationship between weight and height using observed data.
  4. In this last case, you can consider using interaction terms or transformations of the predictor variables.
  5. These include a standard error, p-value, T-stat, and confidence interval.

The standard error of the residuals is the average value of the errors in your model. It is the average vertical distance between each point on your scatter plot and the regression line. The most popular form of regression is linear regression, which is used to predict the value of one numeric (continuous) response variable based on one or more predictor variables (continuous or categorical). The process of fitting the best-fit line is called linear regression.

Interpreting a simple linear regression model

Graphs are extremely useful to test how well a multiple linear regression model fits overall. With multiple predictors, it’s not feasible to plot the predictors against the response variable like it is in simple linear regression. A simple solution is to use the predicted response value on the x-axis and the residuals on the y-axis (as shown above). As a reminder, the residuals are the differences between the predicted and the observed response values. There are also several other plots using residuals that can be used to assess other model assumptions such as normally distributed error terms and serial correlation. There are a lot of reasons that would cause your model to not fit well.

If someone is discussing least-squares regression, it is more likely than not that they are talking about linear regression. The independent variable—also called the predictor variable—is an input in the model. In the scatterplot, each point represents data collected for one of the individuals in your sample. It models the relationship between weight and height using observed data.

Calculate a correlation coefficient to determine the strength of the linear relationship between your two variables. At the very least, we can say that the effect of glucose depends on age for this model since the coefficients are statistically significant. We might also want to say that high glucose appears to matter less for older patients due to the negative coefficient estimate of the interaction term (-0.0002). However, there is very high multicollinearity in this model (and in nearly every model with interaction terms), so interpreting the coefficients should be done with caution. Even with this example, if we remove a few outliers, this interaction term is no longer statistically significant, so it is unstable and could simply be a byproduct of noisy data. Interaction terms are found by multiplying two predictor variables together to create a new “interaction” variable.

A value of 0 indicates that the response variable cannot be explained by the predictor variable at all. A value of 1 indicates that the response variable can be perfectly explained without error by the predictor variable. The coefficient of determination is the proportion of the variance in the response variable that can be explained by the tax relief services and consultations predictor variable. Using linear regression, we can find the line that best “fits” our data. This line is known as the least squares regression line and it can be used to help us understand the relationships between weight and height.

What is the difference between simple linear regression and multiple linear regression?

For more complicated mathematical relationships between the predictors and response variables, such as dose-response curves in pharmacokinetics, check out nonlinear regression. Assessing how well your model fits with multiple linear regression is more difficult than with simple linear regression, although the ideas remain the same, i.e., there are graphical and numerical diagnoses. The two most common types of regression are simple linear regression and multiple linear regression, which only differ by the number of predictors in the model. The most common linear regression models use the ordinary least squares algorithm to pick the parameters in the model and form the best line possible to show the relationship (the line-of-best-fit). Though it’s an algorithm shared by many models, linear regression is by far the most common application.

If you suspect a linear relationship quickbooks online journal entry between \(x\) and \(y\), then \(r\) can measure how strong the linear relationship is. Computer spreadsheets, statistical software, and many calculators can quickly calculate the best-fit line and create the graphs. This article is an overview of the outlier formula and how to calculate it step by step.

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