3 3: Simple Linear Regression Statistics LibreTexts

what is a simple linear regression

If you are using a significance level (or alpha level) of 0.05, you would reject the null hypothesis if the p-value is less than or equal to 0.05. You would fail to reject the null hypothesis if your p-value is greater than 0.05. It returns a hypothesis test’s results where the null hypothesis is that no relationship exists between X and Y. The alternative hypothesis is that a linear relationship exists between X and Y. Some software will also output a 5-number summary of your residuals.

  1. Note that the calculations have all been shown in terms of sample statistics rather than population parameters.
  2. If someone is discussing least-squares regression, it is more likely than not that they are talking about linear regression.
  3. For a quick simple linear regression analysis, try our free online linear regression calculator.
  4. If you suspect a linear relationship between \(x\) and \(y\), then \(r\) can measure how strong the linear relationship is.

You could use the line to predict the final exam score for a student who earned a grade of 73 on the third exam. In simple linear regression, we predict scores on one variable from the scores on a second variable. The variable we are predicting is called the criterion variable and is referred to as \(Y\).

Plot the data on a scatter plot

The two 𝛽 symbols are called “parameters”, the things the model will estimate to create your line of best fit. The first (not connected to X) is the intercept, the other (the coefficient in front of X) is called the slope term. You can use statistical software such as Prism to calculate simple linear regression coefficients and graph the regression line it produces. For a quick simple linear regression analysis, try our free online linear regression calculator.

It’ll show the minimum, first quartile, median, third quartile, and maximum values of your residuals. Refer to this post for an explanation for each assumption, how to determine if the assumption is met, and what to do if the assumption is violated. With uts 142 8 accounts payable and accrued expenses Prism, in a matter of minutes you learn how to go from entering data to performing statistical analyses and generating high-quality graphs. Cox proportional hazards regression is the go-to technique for survival analysis, when you have data measuring time until an event. This means that a single unit change in x results in a 0.2 increase in the log of y. Instead, you probably want your interpretation to be on the original y scale.

what is a simple linear regression

You collect data from ten randomly selected individuals, and you plot your data on a scatterplot like the one liability below. You might anticipate that if you lived in the higher latitudes of the northern U.S., the less exposed you’d be to the harmful rays of the sun, and therefore, the less risk you’d have of death due to skin cancer. There appears to be a negative linear relationship between latitude and mortality due to skin cancer, but the relationship is not perfect.

what is a simple linear regression

Goodness of fit

If you remember back to our simple linear regression model, the slope for glucose has changed slightly. This distinction can sometimes change the interpretation of an individual predictor’s effect dramatically. Prism makes it easy to create a multiple linear regression model, especially calculating regression slope coefficients and generating graphics to diagnose how well the model fits.

Regression Statistics

Sometimes software even seems to reinforce this attitude and the model that is subsequently chosen, rather than the person remaining in control of their research. For example, say that you want to estimate the height of a tree, and you have measured the circumference of the tree at two heights from the ground, one meter and two meter. If you include both in the model, it’s very possible that you could end up with a negative slope parameter for one of those circumferences. Clearly, a tree doesn’t get shorter when the circumference gets larger. Instead, that negative slope coefficient is acting as an adjustment to the other variable. Simply put, if there’s no predictor with a value of 0 in the dataset, you should ignore this part of the interpretation and consider the model as a whole and the slope.

Model selection – choosing which predictor variables to include

This could be because there were important predictor variables that you didn’t measure, or the relationship between the predictors and the response is more complicated than a simple linear regression model. In this last case, you can consider using interaction terms or transformations of the predictor variables. Multiple linear regression is a model that estimates the linear relationship between variables using one dependent variable and multiple predictor variables.

Linear Regression Assumptions

Indeed, the plot exhibits some “trend,” but it also exhibits some “scatter.” Therefore, it is a statistical relationship, not a deterministic one. For each of these deterministic relationships, the equation exactly describes the relationship between the two variables. Instead, we are interested in statistical relationships, in which the relationship between the variables is not perfect. Simple linear regression is a statistical method you can use to understand the relationship between two variables, x and y.

These quantities would be used to calculate the estimates of the regression coefficients, and their standard errors. The correlation coefficient and the regression coefficient will both have the same sign (positive or negative), but they are not the same. The only case where these two values will be equal is when the values of X and Y have been standardized to the same scale. Next to your intercept, you’ll see columns in the table showing additional information about the intercept.

The formulas are the same; simply use the parameter values for means, standard deviations, and the correlation. The closer the correlation coefficient is to 1 or -1, the stronger the correlation. Once you have this line, you can measure how strong the correlation is between height and weight. You can estimate the height of somebody ‌not in your sample by plugging their weight into the regression equation. As a quick example, imagine you want to explore the relationship between weight (X) and height (Y).

Because the other terms are used less frequently today, we’ll use the “predictor” and “response” terms to refer to the variables encountered in this course. The other terms are mentioned only to make you aware of them should you encounter them in other arenas. Simple linear regression gets its adjective “simple,” because it concerns the study of only one predictor variable. In contrast, multiple linear regression, which we study later in this course, gets its adjective “multiple,” because it concerns the study of two or more predictor variables. The standard errors and confidence intervals are also shown for each parameter, giving an idea of the variability for each slope/intercept on its own.

Ideally, the predictors are independent and no one predictor influences the values of another. With multiple predictors, in addition to the interpretation getting more challenging, another added complication is with multicollinearity. The regression coefficient,β1\beta_1β1​, is the slope of the regression line. It provides you with an estimate of how much the dependent variable, Y, will change in response to a 1-unit increase in the dependent variable, X. Y is your dependent variable, which is the variable you want to estimate using the regression. X is your independent variable—the variable you use as an input in your regression.

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